Obstacles rooting your future?
Oftentimes, failure to attain our goals and realize our full potential is a direct result of our limiting belief system . We all have them. Our beliefs are deep seeded (basically anchored) in our subconscious mind. For example, have you ever caught yourself making a statement like, “I’m not good at time management” or “I’m terrible with numbers so I won’t understand financials”? These are examples of limiting beliefs that people construct in their mind that they then think to be true. They then become beliefs that falsely define you, and keep you from making good choices. They limit you from taking advantage of opportunities. They keep you “stuck” and unable to move forward. They remain in your subconscious as “truths”, therefore your conscious mind believes them to be true and acts accordingly. Ultimately, limiting beliefs keep us trapped in a negative state of mind and therefore become the root obstacles that deter us from living the life we truly desire. What causes our l...